The Original Paint by Numbers
In 1951 Dan Robbins and Max S. Klein created the first Paint By Numbers painting kits under the name Craft Master and started a craze that promised "A beautiful oil painting the first time you try."
Under the Craft House brand, the paint-by-number concept expanded to other paint media such as acrylic craft paint, watercolors and colored pencils. Over time, Craft House created products such as bakable sun catchers, where small colored pellets were filled into metal moulds and baked to create a stained-glass-like window ornament. Additional crafting kits followed, and allowed hobbiests of all levels an opportunity to create fun, easy to do projects.
Chartpak acquired Craft House in 2006 and consulted with one of the originators, Dan Robbins, to expand the paint-by-numbers line for contemporary enthusiasts.
The Crafthouse Product Line

Outlined and numbered artwork that makes a complete painting with acrylic paints. Other variations are pencil-by-numbers and watercolors sets for artists of all levels.

Bake 'N Shimmer sun catchers feature metal molds that can be filled with colored pellets and baked to create a stained-glass-like sun catcher, while the Squeezer line of sun catchers are a no-bake line of paintable acrylic window art.

The Kreative Kids line of craft kits include a wide range of projects such as snap art, weaving looms, sand art, candy making and more.